BEMER Horse-Set
What is the BEMER Horse-Set?
The BEMER is an FDA registered medical device and the most revolutionary and innovative technology to support your horse's health, injury recovery, well-being and performance. Bemer uses PEMF technology to deliver the patented BEMER SIGNAL (waveform) into the body. It works from the inside out and regulates the horse's body on the cellular level where the horse's metabolic processes take place – cells in every part of their body (organs, bones, tissue and skin) are supplied with nutrients through increased blood flow and oxygen that enables them to fulfill their tasks- and metabolic waste products are removed for disposal. Put simply, healthy microcirculation is essential to your horse’s all-around well-being.
What does BEMER do for my horse?
Improves microcirculation & vasomotion
Increases oxygen, and nutrient absorption
Faster removal of waste disposal in the cells and body
Promotes regeneration
Increased physical fitness, endurance, strength and energy
Helps improve suppleness
Prevents and increases defense against infection
Speeds up recovery process after injury or surgery
Stress reduction and regulation of the nervous system
Reduced vasomotion, slow blood flow, virtually no transport of white blood cells, capillaries are not perfused
Significantly increased vasomotion, rapid blood flow, virtually needs-based transport increased transport of white blood cells.